
How Much Data Does Ookla Speedtest Use

At Ookla® nosotros care securely near providing information and analyses that are meaningful, authentic and statistically sound and then that consumers and businesses tin trust the information they're receiving. We've been doing this for over xv years. Every mean solar day, millions of people utilize Speedtest®, our flagship product, to better understand the performance and quality of their internet connections considering it is the near reliable tool for measuring internet performance and providing network diagnostics.

Each test taken with Speedtest uses the Speedtest Server Network™, a global network of high-performance servers, ready to test the maximum sustained throughput of the user's connectedness (download and upload speeds) and to report back on key network health metrics. There are Speedtest servers in well-nigh every land and major population center worldwide. Read more than virtually the Speedtest Server Network and how Speedtest is uniquely able to measure high-speed connections including 5G.

Ookla's mission is to help brand the internet better, faster and more accessible for anybody. This commodity details the operational definitions and metrics we use to report on that data so you can improve empathise the aspects of network performance that are important to you. Read more than about the language nosotros use to depict our analyses.

Our vast dataset, rigorous quality control and thoughtful analysis makes Ookla the preferred data provider for telecommunication operators, regulatory bodies, trade bodies, analysts, journalists and nonprofits worldwide. Read more about why consumer-initiated testing is more accurate than other methods and how our aggregation methodology sets Speedtest apart.


What's new for 2021

Multi-server testing

Ookla's exam methodology aims to exist the most accurate measure of a user'due south real-globe network operation. To that cease, we take fully enabled multi-server testing on our web, desktop and mobile Speedtest platforms. Testing simultaneously to multiple servers removes the dependency on a unmarried server to fully saturate a connection and measure a user'south maximum download throughput capacity.

Multi-server testing is important considering ultra-high-speed connectivity services (such as fiber or 5G) crave higher-capacity servers in order to generate enough traffic to saturate an end-user's connection. Peering relationships or cantankerous-connectivity between providers can also be a bottleneck for cyberspace speeds, then a single server'due south performance and the proximity of the selected server are both factors that can bear upon the accurateness of a network exam. To mitigate these issues, our applications tin at present exam to multiple servers in parallel to generate sufficient traffic to saturate the finish-user's connection.

When a user initiates a test with Speedtest, it opens connections to the four servers with the lowest latency at the start of the download stage. Speedtest dynamically scales the number of connections to each server to saturate the client-side network. For multi-server testing, this connection scaling was modified to ensure that each server in a multi-server test receives simply as many connections as it would in a examination to a single server. The algorithm for calculating download speed is the same as in our unmarried-server test methodology, except that information technology incorporates all information transferred beyond all connections and all servers. All other aspects of the download stage (such as test duration and stable end) are identical betwixt unmarried and multi-server tests.

The other test stages (upload, latency, packet loss and traceroute) use a single server. For these test stages, the Speedtest customer automatically selects the server with the lowest latency or, alternatively, the user can manually select a specific server.

We plan to expand multi-server testing to our Speedtest Embedded, Speedtest CLI and Speedtest Custom testing clients in the near future.

Video testing

Streaming video is ane of the main drivers of traffic on the internet, and then we launched video testing on Speedtest in February of 2021. This examination, currently available for iOS, enables users to straight measure the quality of their video streaming feel. The Speedtest video test plays an actual video to specifically measure the performance of video streaming on your network at any fourth dimension.

Streamed video content is typically delivered via adaptive bitrate technology, which adjusts the quality of the video stream based on network conditions. Our video test measures this adaptive bitrate to tell you the maximum resolution, load time and buffer you should be able to expect. Given this data, you lot have a better idea of which devices work all-time at that operation level.

We program to expand video testing to the Speedtest Android app soon.

Cyberspace performance metrics for mobile and fixed broadband

Our metrics draw real-world internet performance and coverage. This helps consumers sympathise their network functioning and service providers understand their client feel, gain competitive insights and place how to improve their networks.

For definitions of bones internet measures similar download, upload, latency and jitter, visit our glossary.

Hateful vs. median

There are many unlike means to summarize a drove of data. The hateful — often called "average" — or median of the data are most frequently used to draw what a typical value might be. In terms of internet functioning, the mean represents the download speed a user might expect to see. The mean is calculated by calculation upward all values seen and dividing by the number of observations. Because of this, it's possible that no users actually experienced download speeds like the mean. The median, on the other mitt, represents the download speed seen past the typical user. Here, the "typical user" is the one whose speed is right in the middle of all users' speeds on a given network.

The subtle distinction between hateful and median can have a large touch in instances where a small-scale subset of users accept access to ultra-loftier-speed service like 10 Gbps fiber or mmWave 5G. In these cases, users on rare simply fast technology can elevator the mean value higher than what a typical user might see. Since the median represents the typical user, information technology is much less impacted past outliers of very high or low performance. This is why we have begun reporting median download speeds in markets where side by side-generation service has brought dramatic speed increases to some users. As these new technologies spread, we will exist using median more frequently to draw speeds across the globe.

Confidence intervals

Ookla uses the millions of tests we receive each solar day to infer the network performance that all users tin can await. This procedure introduces some degree of uncertainty, which is like to the margin of error that you might see with political polls. We unremarkably study this uncertainty with bars in our figures. These confidence intervals stand for the range in which the true value is probable to be. We commonly use a confidence level of 95%, which is common throughout science and engineering.

Top providers

An operator or ISP must account for 3% or more of total test samples in the market for the entire period to exist designated equally a summit provider. We use this designation to ensure that almost consumers in the area actually have access to the provider to qualify information technology equally the fastest, almost consistent or having the best coverage.

Modern chipsets

Ookla closely monitors the launch and widespread release of new device models built on chipsets capable of utilizing the latest mobile network technologies. When calculating Speed Score™ and determining the winners of Speedtest Awards for mobile broadband, we focus solely on results from devices built on modern chipsets that are able to mensurate the network's full capabilities. This ensures that an operator's score is not negatively impacted if a portion of its subscriber base of operations continues to use older technology.

Speed Score

Nosotros created Speed Score to fully account for the range of speeds a provider offers in a single metric. This makes information technology easier to compare mobile operators and ISPs on several aspects of functioning using i metric.

Speed Score incorporates a measure of each provider'south download and upload speed to rank network performance (ninety% of the final Speed Score is attributed to download speed and the remaining ten% to upload speed, because online experiences are typically more affected past download speed). Speed Score uses a modified trimean to combine speeds from the 10th percentile, 50th percentile (also known as the median) and 90th percentile in a weighted average using a 1:8:1 ratio, respectively. We identify the most emphasis on the median speeds every bit those represent what nearly network providers' customers will feel on a day-to-twenty-four hour period basis.

Consistency Score

While fast speeds are paramount, a consistent experience is too a worthy mensurate of a network's quality. Consistency Score is the metric we use to place fixed broadband or mobile networks that provide a consistent quality of service. It reflects the percentage of a provider'due south data samples that run across minimum thresholds for download and upload speeds, depending on the type of network. The college a provider'south Consistency Score, the more probable a consumer will enjoy acceptable net operation and quality.

Consistency Score for fixed broadband and 5G mobile connections uses thresholds of 25 Mbps minimum download speed (the recommended speed for streaming in 4K) and 3 Mbps minimum upload speed. 5G consistency is measured at this higher level because nosotros believe that consumers expect 5G to provide a level of service that is on par with their home internet speeds.

Consistency Score for mobile overall uses thresholds of five Mbps minimum download speed (the recommended speed for streaming in Hard disk drive) and 1 Mbps minimum upload speed.

Coverage metrics for mobile broadband

An operator's coverage indicates whether service is available at the times and places where users need it. Ookla's Availability and Coverage metrics are based on data from Android devices that submit hundreds of millions of data points each twenty-four hour period nearly the types of cellular services seen and the places where they are bachelor.


Availability gives users and mobile operators insight into the cellular engineering science (east.g., 5G) that users spend the bulk of their time connected to — both on and off of their subscriber (SIM) network. Availability uses coverage scans to construct daily timelines for each device in a given area of interest. Then, daily per-device durations on subscriber network, active network and cellular technology are calculated. Adjacent, the percentage of time that a device spends on each cellular technology category and network is calculated for a given surface area and time period of interest, and the device is assigned to the cellular technology on which it spent the near fourth dimension. Finally, the pct of devices on a given technology for a subscriber network is the final metric seen in Speedtest Intelligence®. In the rare instance that a user spends equal amounts of fourth dimension on more one category, they are assigned to the category with the most advanced technology. For example, a user that spends one-half their time on 4G and half on 5G would be assigned to 5G.

5G Availability

5G Availability describes the percent of users on 5G-capable devices that spend the majority of their time on 5G, both roaming and on-network.

4G Availability

4G Availability describes the percent of users on all devices that spend the bulk of their time on 4G and above, both roaming and on-network.

Network Availability

Network Availability describes the percent of users on all devices who spend the majority of their time connected to any cellular technology (i.e., 2G, 3G, 4G, or 5G), both roaming and on-network. This tin can be an indicator of how likely users are to encounter either service outages or areas without coverage.

Notation that in content published prior to April xvi, 2021, Service was referred to as "Availability" and "Availability" was referred to as "Time Spent."

Coverage Score

Coverage Score accounts for both the quality and coverage of service for mobile operators. Coverage Score multiplies the proportion of locations in which an operator was seen with service (its footprint) against the average tile quality score (based on Service) among all locations in which that operator is present. Coverage Score has a range of 0 to g to avoid whatever potential for confusion that the Coverage Score represents a per centum of an expanse or population with coverage. Because Coverage is a spatially-focused metric, only scans with precise and legitimate location information are included, equally we build samples that normalize data by user, operator, location and time period.

Coverage Score is not comparable beyond dissimilar countries because information technology is strongly tailored to the unique geography of each market.


To summate Coverage Score, nosotros use Footprint, which is the fraction of locations inside a given market, across all operators in that market, where a device has access to service. Operators with a relatively pocket-sized footprint will have a lower Coverage Score than competitors with equal Service (described beneath) and a larger footprint. Nosotros crave a footprint of at to the lowest degree xxx% in an operator'southward market place earlier we volition summate a Coverage Score to ensure that an operator is generally bachelor to the public.


Service metrics indicate how probable a user, on average, is to accept access to the specified technology in the places they become. We divide our data on service into iii separate views: Full general Service, 4G Service, and On-Network Service. They are individually defined as:

  • General Service
    The percentage of an operator's known locations where a device has access to any kind of service (including roaming).
  • 4G Service
    The pct of an operator'southward known locations where a device has access to 4G LTE service (including roaming).
  • On-Network Service
    The per centum of an operator'southward known locations where a device has access to service from that operator.

Annotation that in content published prior to April xvi, 2021, Service was referred to equally "Availability" and "Availability" was referred to as "Time Spent."

Speedtest is the most accurate measure of existent-world network functioning and coverage

Why consumer-initiated testing is the best mensurate of net speed

Each time a user takes a Speedtest, a snapshot of the internet is captured for that specific time, place, device and network. Because these tests are initiated by consumers when and where they need operation information, Speedtest gives users accurate information about internet speeds at the times and locations that are important to them. When aggregated, these measurements describe the network's real-earth operation.

Speedtest measures the total chapters of an internet connection

Each Speedtest runs as a dedicated foreground service. This allows the device to employ plenty data to flood the internet connection and measure the full capability of both the network connection and the device. Only a defended foreground service tin accurately appraise network functioning and quality metrics such as: download speed, upload speed, latency, packet loss, jitter and other indicators of network atmospheric condition.


Companies that attempt to measure out speed using background tests hidden inside of other apps only send small amounts of data back and forth and cannot accurately measure performance, particularly at high speeds.

Because Speedtest operates in the foreground and measures the full throughput capacity of a connection, we can properly assess the functioning capability of even the fastest connectedness. This is why speeds measured with Speedtest are oftentimes college than those measured with other methods. This difference tin can be substantial, peculiarly when testing the performance of newer technologies like 5G and multi-gigabit fiber.

Mobile Speedtest users on Android devices can also opt in to submit information from background coverage scans. Our users contribute billions of measurements each day on the quality and weather condition of mobile networks in their surface area from over 300 one thousand thousand scans. These coverage scans provide existent-time insights into signal atmospheric condition, spectrum usage and network equipment at a fine level of geographic item.

The subconscious downsides of background testing from other providers

Other net testing providers run their solutions in the background of third-political party applications, such every bit messengers, phone call recorders, dating apps and media converters. Users of these apps are oftentimes unaware that these tests are accessing their location data and network weather.

Due to protections Apple has in place for user privacy, iOS doesn't surface information like connection type to apps that run in the groundwork. It is vital that a testing solution run in the foreground on iOS to accurately exam the network and collect information about the active SIM and access engineering science. Aggregate speeds you might run across from other network testing providers practice not adequately correspond the results of iOS users, which make up a large and of import segment of the marketplace.

As Google continues to update their data privacy policies for Android, having a dedicated app like Speedtest with a transparent consumer experience and clear user permissions around location data collection is besides increasingly important.

Ookla provides a reliable, consistent test experience across devices

Speedtest provides an accurate, consistent test experience that consumers trust across the many device types available on today's marketplace. Our rigorous methodology applies to all of our applications.


How the Speedtest Server Network ensures accuracy

Testing to the right server eliminates latency and bottlenecks that tin can skew performance metrics.

Each link and node through which data is transferred can affect the final measurements as the link with the most constraining characteristics (highest latency, lowest bandwidth or highest packet loss) will typically limit the final measurements. Therefore, the fewer links between a device and a server, the more relevant the measurement is to quantifying and understanding the networking capability of a particular device.

Each test connects the Speedtest client to a nearby server in Ookla's global network of over 14,000 servers in more than 190 countries. This local connection allows us to ensure an authentic view of network operation that isn't tarnished by external factors. Ookla takes comprehensive steps to ensure our traffic is indistinguishable from other applications or browser traffic to the server.


Testing to a CDN lonely does non provide an accurate motion-picture show of network performance

Although content delivery networks (CDNs) serve a large portion of internet content, platforms that examination to a CDN just test to a single provider, often in a distant location, which merely measures the connection to that specific CDN.

Speedtest measures the last-mile service provided to the end user by their ISPs and mobile operators. The final mile is the function of a user'due south internet feel that a provider has the most control over — and responsibility for. Consumers can more than accurately measure and troubleshoot the network connectedness they're really paying for, based on the location from which they are testing, considering Speedtest connects to defended local servers. This allows the states to provide the most accurate quality of service (QoS) measurement possible and uniquely positions us to evaluate the service provided by every ISP and mobile operator in the world — including removing the variability that comes with measuring CDN performance.

Nosotros also recognize the value in measuring a user'due south performance beyond the last mile, then Speedtest allows testing to various network providers in diverse locations. In this manner, users can assess various connexion scenarios to understand the total potential of a connexion instead of beingness limited to a single provider. Just Ookla allows you lot to detect points of network congestion, and proceeds a ameliorate understanding of internet functioning every bit a whole.

Speedtest is uniquely capable of measuring the full throughput chapters of 5G and super-fast fiber connections

Modern network speeds are increasing rapidly with technologies like 4G, 5G and fiber broadband existence deployed across the globe. This makes the ability to measure out a network'due south full capacity more essential than e'er. Speedtest uses a client-and-server testing engine that dynamically scales the number of connections to multiple servers in order to fully saturate and accurately measure client-side connections up to 10 Gbps. This enables Ookla to overcome the effects of network bottlenecks and measure the full capacity of a network's performance.

Accurate 5G connexion detection and identification

Non all 5G-capable devices natively identify the 5G connexion blazon when reporting to applications. That'southward why Ookla has directly partnered with device manufacturers worldwide to implement accurate in-app 5G detection in Speedtest. Consumers can reliably see when they're testing a 5G connexion in the Speedtest app, and providers can reliably measure their customers' 5G network performance and quality.

Testing coverage, availability and quality of service

Fast mobile network speeds only matter when you really take coverage. Consumer-initiated testing is the gold standard for speed and other functioning metrics, but to measure signal and coverage Speedtest also collects over 300 million daily scans of coverage data in the background, submitted by Speedtest Android app users. These coverage scans capture where service is offered, what the quality of service is at each location, and information nearly a mobile user's "radio environment," including: the technology used (e.g., 5G, 4G LTE, etc.), the cellular infrastructure to which they are connected, the accompanying strength and quality of signal, and other device radio measurements.

Combined, consumer-initiated testing and coverage scans provide an unparalleled amount of data on the functioning, coverage and quality of a user's network connexion. Here is an example of that complementary relationship in India:


How Ookla aggregates and analyzes data

The largest volume of consumer-initiated tests

Numbers thing in data collection, and it's important to look securely at what the numbers represent. If a testing provider were to run 100 background tests per day on 100 phones for 100 days that record 100 values each, they'd have ane meg measurements. That overall number might sound impressive — until you realize that 100 phones do non give you a very wide (or interesting) distribution of phone types, locations or even experiences. The numbers are fifty-fifty less impressive when you lot realize that the 100 data points they're collecting include less meaning details like the device'southward screen width and battery type that are only interesting to tiny cantankerous sections of our industry.

Each and every twenty-four hour period, over 10 one thousand thousand tests are actively initiated by pressing the "Go" button on Speedtest, and nosotros receive boosted data from over 300 meg coverage scans. We see daily results on almost every mobile and fixed broadband network in the world, which provides us with a existent-time view of how the internet is performing at a global calibration. This abiding flow of immense amounts of data allows u.s. to precisely track how networks respond to events like big crowds, the capabilities of new devices, the impact of network upgrades and the rollout of new technologies like 5G.

Unbiased data and a statistical sampling methodology

We use a rigorous statistical sampling methodology to combat sampling bias and ensure data accurateness. Through consumer-initiated testing, Speedtest gives every user a voice to draw what the net connection is like on their device at the times and places that matter most to them. Whether a user takes a Speedtest once per calendar month or once per hr, our sampling methodology makes certain that each user's voice is heard and is non drowned out by high-volume testers.

When we aggregate data, each unique Speedtest user'southward results are averaged to create a single sample that summarizes their cyberspace experience for that fourth dimension menstruum and geographic area. We so evaluate each service provider based every bit on the samples provided by each of its users. This removes the potential for results to be skewed by individual outliers or short-term fluctuations in service or user behaviors.

To ensure that our results correspond the true commercially available user experience on a network, measurements from some tests are excluded from aggregation and published results, including tests performed in controlled environments by network engineers, tests taken from our CLI tool and results from the following platforms: mobile web tests taken on, tests on Windows phones and tests using the Chrome app and our embedded solutions. Our data scientists and analysts employ a host of tools that allow us to identify and remove whatever tests that could intentionally or unintentionally bias our results.

We promise this reference guide volition requite you lot deeper insight into the metrics we present on Insights. Nosotros too have further information on 5G and a glossary that contains some general terms used when discussing net performance beyond the industry. For specific information about what our data has to say about your market, learn more about Speedtest Intelligence.

Ookla retains buying of this article including all of the intellectual property rights, data, content graphs and analysis. This commodity may not exist quoted, reproduced, distributed or published for any commercial purpose without prior consent. Members of the press and others using the findings in this commodity for not-commercial purposes are welcome to publicly share and link to report information with attribution to Ookla.

How Much Data Does Ookla Speedtest Use,


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