
How To Use Indian Hemp Leaves For Hair Growth

I take been receiving a lot of letters as regards how to mix Indian Hemp with Hair Foam. I take been quite reluctant in stating this because Indian Hemp in Nigeria is not allowed. But for the benefits of those who would have access to Indian Hemp leaf and seed, you are very good to go.

What yous will need to mix Indian Hemp with Beard Foam


  • 1 What you will need to mix Indian Hemp with Beard Cream
  • 2 Simple and Easy Steps in mixing Indian Hemp with Bristles Foam
  • 3 Why do you lot demand to mix Indian hemp to your hair cream?
  • iv Benefits of hemp on pilus
    • 4.1 It moisturizes hair
    • 4.2 It helps pilus growth
    • four.three Information technology is expert for training your beards
    • 4.four It helps to forestall hair loss
  • 5 What type of Bristles Cream Do you Need?

1. Mybeardgang Beard Booster Foam
2. Any Carrier Oil of your option (I love the Blackness Castor Oil fo his viscosity and shine, but you can also use others like Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil which are relatively cheaper and readily available)
3. Indian Hemp – Leaves & Seeds
4. Mixing Basin
five. Thick spoon
6. Non-Alcohol Based Fragrance (Optional)

Simple and Piece of cake Steps in mixing Indian Hemp with Beard Cream

  • Under a bit of temperature, the solid Beard Cream melts, and this is a practiced sign that you lot are ready when it melts. Pour the Beard Cream into your mixing blow
  • Just in case yous cannot wait for the Beard Cream to melt, you tin can put information technology into your mixing bowl and beat it like yous are mixing egg. If you have a hand mixer to mix, that'll exist great.
  • At present ground your Indian Hemp leaf and seed – one tablespoon is plenty for the Beard Cream of 120g. You can ground your Indian Hemp seed manually or mechanically.
  • Thereafter, go alee and pour in the grounded Indian Hemp into the Beard Cream and mix thoroughly with your spoon or paw mixer.
  • Now pour in your oils. Note that you tin can use any of the oils listed to a higher place or all of them combined together. The more than, the merrier.
  • You lot can then become alee and add your fragrance. Remember, no alcohol fragrance but oil-based.
  • Become once again and crush or whip your mixture together till everything has mixed into a paste.
  • Cascade the mix back into your Beard or Pilus Cream and yous are expert to get.

Accept y'all tried out our Bristles Foam earlier? Now is the fourth dimension for yous to get for that actress growth and heave for your beard.

Indian Hemp is a greenish coloured leaf and there has been a lot of research on whether it grows hair or not. After my research, I tin categorically tell you that Indian Hemp is very good for your hair. As a human desperate to grow his beards, you should endeavor out a mix of Indian Hemp with a Beard Cream.

In Nigeria, Indian Hemp can be sourced anywhere around you. All you need is to be smart about since the usage in the country has non been legalized. I don't actually know how y'all can get Indian Hemp, then yous accept to find that out yourself.

If yous can get the seed and leaves perfect. Withal, if you lot cannot, and then you lot should try Hemp Seed Oil out. Correct?

Why do you demand to mix Indian hemp to your hair foam?

Before you learn to mix Indian hemp with your hair cream you must know why you are mixing Indian hemp to your hair foam.

I presume that for you to be here means that you already know why you demand to mix hemp to your pilus cream, Yep?

Anyways in case, you don't know it will exist important that you know why before attempting to mix the two of them.

Do you run across? Information technology's a good thing you lot are hither and reading this commodity correct now because this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn all that y'all need to know nigh Indian hemp and your foam.

Before we movement alee, you need to know that i of the main ingredient used in the production of beard oil is hemp, now before you showtime getting confused, hemp is legally accepted component of most hair product although it is like shooting fish in a barrel to misfile the hemp plant with the not so legally accepted marijuana constitute.

So, you lot ask, why is hemp legal and marijuana is not since both of them are classified as Cannabis?

The reply is simple, betwixt the two of them, information technology is merely marijuana that contains the active chemical tetrahydrocannabinol which has a psychoactive hallucinogenic property that causes its users to get high on consumption.

Hemp seed oil which is used in the industry of most beard oil does not contain this psychoactive chemical element hence this is the reason why hemp is legal while marijuana is illegal non minding the fact that both of them are referred to as cannabis.

The best product derived from hem that is used on hair is gotten from the seed and is called hemp seed oil

Read below to sympathize the benefits of hemp on your and why yous need to add it to your hair foam to get the benefits;

Benefits of hemp on hair

There are numerous benefits that hemp particularly the oil gotten from offers to the hair an this is why a lot of people add it to their hair foam to enjoy the numerous benefits that it has to offer.

Want to become to know this do good? So go along reading to find out;

It moisturizes hair

Hemp oil has been known over the years to have moisturizing properties for the hair, this goes to say that hemp tin can help to moisturize your beard hair. This is because it is loftier in vitamin East so it tin can too be used as a adept natural hair conditioner.

When you add it to your hair cream and rub it on your beard hair, information technology increases blood circulation and it penetrates through into your hair follicles making the pilus to be moisturized.

It also retains water through prevention of water loss thereby keeping more moisture in the beard.

It helps hair growth

Hemp is an excellent source of omega half-dozen and of course, it penetrates hands into the hair. Omega half-dozen is a very important ingredient in the stimulation of hair growth as well every bit providing nourishment to the pilus.

Information technology helps in the synthesis of keratin which will brand the beard hair thicker, stronger and healthier.

Hemp too works to prevent hair loss and thinning of the hair on your beard.

If you lot desire to grow a healthy and thicker hair and so you need to add hemp to your beard foam equally this will help information technology to synthesize the growth of your beard hair.

Information technology is skillful for training your beards

The hair on your beard is made up of mostly protein especially keratin, hemp adds to the protein already in your pilus through its part in the synthesis of keratin and as well improves blood circulation to all parts of your bristles, this greatly ensures that your beards are growing properly.

Non only does hemp help add more proteins to your hair merely it stimulates blood circulation which ensures that the hair follicles are properly nourished to produce more than hairs.

Therefore, you can now see that hemp also aids in the growth of your beards and this is the more than reason why you should mix it in your beard foam every bit it will help your beards to grow properly and fast.

It helps to forbid hair loss

Hemp when added to your bristles foam helps to strengthen your pilus thereby preventing hair breakages from weak and dry out hairs. This ensures that unnecessary hair breakages are stopped and this is how hemp helps in preventing hair loss.

Hemp is also anti-inflammatory so if you which to grow as much beard hair as possible so hemp should exist a office of your bristles care routine and you should include it past adding information technology to your bristles foam for maximum effects

What type of Beard Foam Do you lot Need?

Of course, without mincing words, the MyBeardgang Bristles Cream is simply perfect for you. A foam that helps y'all boost your hair without any additions will perform wonders when you mix it with Indian Hemp. (Delight note that ou Beard Foam is currently being sold in Nigeria, West Africa). If you would desire it out of the country, then you will accept to make a special asking for information technology. Got me?

Mybeardgang Cream, cream to grow your beard faster in Nigeria

Interested yet? Click HERE to place your ORDER.


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