Views are available on all tabs (e.g. Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Cases, etc) and are a great usability feature. They permit a user to utilize a filter on that Tab to meet a subset of records. For example, you can create a View to run across:

  • All "Open up" Leads, created in the terminal 90 days, that came from our website
  • All open Opportunities with a close date of the next 30 days, with a value greater than $10K
  • All Contacts in the 214 expanse code, with VP or CEO in their title
  • All Cases, open for more than than 21 days that are currently "On Concord"
  • All Accounts in Texas that accept a zip lawmaking that starts with 75, 76, or 77 or assigned to Jack, Aaron, or Margaret

As you lot can see the variation is quite limitless and it's 1 of the things I encourage our clients to leverage to go the virtually out of Salesforce. And then let'due south take a look at how to build a custom View. In this instance we'll create a Custom View from the Leads Tab. From the Leads Tab, click the link "Create New View."

Create New View - Leads

In Step 1 of the magician we give our View a name. The View Name box is what the user sees when they select a View. The View Unique Proper name is what the proper name of the View looks like to the Salesforce database. It must have underscores betwixt words and no punctuation. If you type in a name in the View Proper noun box and and so press your Tab key, the arrangement will create the View Unique Proper name for you.

Step 1 - Name Your View

In Footstep two of the wizard nosotros're going to specify the Filter Criteria for our View and the process is very similar to writing filters on a report. In the "Filter Past Possessor" section y'all must specify how you wants records filtered by user ownership through a radio push button selection (i.e. All unconverted, My Unconverted, or if a Queue is the owner of the record you can select the proper name of the queue).

There is also an option in the elevation right of Step 2 to select of Leads that have been associated to a Campaign (i.east. Leads that are "Campaign Members" of that Campaign). Very handy if your building a call list on a marketing campaign!

From there we can start picking fields available on the Lead object to help filter and narrow our View. The wizard displays up to five field placeholders, notwithstanding if y'all click the "Add together Row" link you can take upwards to ten field filters.

The eye column is for selecting an operator (the filter logic or action). Hither is a list of operators available to you when creating a View:

  • Equals
  • Not Equal To
  • Start with
  • Contains
  • Does Non Contain
  • Less Than
  • Greater Than
  • Less or Equal
  • Greater or Equal
  • Includes
  • Excludes
  • Within

More Tips on how to leverage Operators. Don't forget you tin can use literal or relative filters to include "rolling" date ranges!

The far correct cavalcade is for the Values you want to filter by. You lot can see that in our example we've used commas in betwixt our values, which represents an "OR" statement in the filter. For example on this offset field filter our Phone number (Field) must "Get-go With" (Operator), "214, 817, 469" (Value). The commas between 214, 817, and 469 are really saying the Phone number must starting time with 214 "or" 817 "or" 469.

Step 2 - Specify Filter Criteria

Every time you add an additional field filter your telling Salesforce to be more restrictive with your View. If you have a value in row 1, 2, 3, and 4 every bit in our case y'all're telling Salesforce the criteria in Row one must exist true AND the criteria in Row two AND the criteria in Row three AND the criteria in Row 4. If that's not what y'all desire to do, the bottom of Step ii allows you to change the logic of those rows.

For example, past modifying the filter at the lesser of Step 2 we're able to tell Salesforce that we want records where EITHER the Telephone number starts with either 214, 817, or 469 OR the Zip Code starts with 77, 75 or 76; AND the record was created in the concluding 90 days AND the tape has an email accost – as illustrated in the screen shot beneath:

Filter Logic AND OR

In Step 3 nosotros can select which fields we want to exist displayed in the column headers of our View results. The wizard lets us selection from a list of available fields from the left and then display the selected fields (upwardly to 10) on the right side. The higher the field is on the listing to the top, the farther left that column displays on our View.

TIP: Every bit a best exercise, if you lot are filtering on a field in Step 2, display that field equally a column in your View and then you lot can spot check that y'all're criteria is ready properly!

Step 3 - Select Fields to Display

In Stride 4 y'all tell Salesforce if you want this View available to you lot, or if yous can publish the View out to other Users. If your User Contour does not have the "Manage Public Listing Views" permission, y'all won't see the choice to publish Views for others users.

Lastly when creating a new view, exist sure to "Save Every bit" so y'all don't inadvertently save your criteria over an existing View.

Step 4 - Restrict Visibility

When you run your View, you'll take some additional navigation available. Y'all can sort your list of records past clicking whatsoever of the columns headers. Click the column header label once to sort A-Z, or click the cavalcade once again to reverse the sort Z-A. Sorting works for Date and Number fields as well! You'll meet a small-scale arrow displayed to denote the sort direction practical.View Tab Filter Results

Additionally, if you lot are sorting on a column that has text, you'll see an alphabet "crumb bar" on the summit right of your View. If you click on one of the letters of the Alphabet displayed, you'll only see records where that field starts with that letter.

In our example below we've clicked on the Company column, then clicked the letter "H" in our Alphabet bar to filter further and just see Leads where the Company name starts with the letter "H."

Filter On Company Then HHaving Views gear up in your org is a great way to save your Users time and brand them more than productive!